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Resource StructureDefinition/FHIR Server from package package.teste#1.0.7-draft (93 ms)

Package package.teste
Type StructureDefinition
Id Id
FHIR Version R4B
Source https://simplifier.net/resolve?scope=package.teste@1.0.7-draft&canonical=https://spms.min-saude.pt/fhir-r4B/iop/StructureDefinition/MessageHeaderPTPS
Url https://spms.min-saude.pt/fhir-r4B/iop/StructureDefinition/MessageHeaderPTPS
Version 1.0.0
Status draft
Date 2024-03-06T10:41:10.1351782+00:00
Name MessageHeaderPTPS
Title MessageHeader PT PS
Experimental False
Description O recurso MessageHeader corresponde ao cabeçalho que possibilita a identificação da origem e destino da mensagem.
Purpose O recurso MessageHeader é referenciado pelo recurso Bundle(Bundle.entry.fullUrl) que contêm os detalhes do cabeçalho da mensagem.
Type MessageHeader
Kind resource

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https://spms.min-saude.pt/fhir-r4B/iop/StructureDefinition/MessageHeaderPTCore MessageHeader PT Core
https://spms.min-saude.pt/fhir-r4B/iop/StructureDefinition/OperationOutcomePTPS OperationOutcome PT PS
https://spms.min-saude.pt/fhir-r4B/iop/StructureDefinition/OrganizationPTPS Organization PT PS


  "resourceType" : "StructureDefinition",
  "id" : "MessageHeaderPTPS",
  "url" : "https://spms.min-saude.pt/fhir-r4B/iop/StructureDefinition/MessageHeaderPTPS",
  "version" : "1.0.0",
  "name" : "MessageHeaderPTPS",
  "title" : "MessageHeader PT PS",
  "status" : "draft",
  "date" : "2024-03-06T10:41:10.1351782+00:00",
  "publisher" : "SPMS",
  "contact" : [
      "name" : "Interoperabilidade Semântica",
      "telecom" : [
          "system" : "url",
          "value" : "https://www.spms.min-saude.pt"
  "description" : "O recurso MessageHeader corresponde ao cabeçalho que possibilita a identificação da origem e destino da mensagem.",
  "purpose" : "O recurso MessageHeader é referenciado pelo recurso Bundle(Bundle.entry.fullUrl) que contêm os detalhes do cabeçalho da mensagem.",
  "fhirVersion" : "4.3.0",
  "kind" : "resource",
  "abstract" : false,
  "type" : "MessageHeader",
  "baseDefinition" : "https://spms.min-saude.pt/fhir-r4B/iop/StructureDefinition/MessageHeaderPTCore",
  "derivation" : "constraint",
  "differential" : {
    "element" : [
        "id" : "MessageHeader.contained",
        "path" : "MessageHeader.contained",
        "max" : "0"
        "id" : "MessageHeader.destination.id",
        "path" : "MessageHeader.destination.id",
        "max" : "0"
        "id" : "MessageHeader.destination.target",
        "path" : "MessageHeader.destination.target",
        "max" : "0"
        "id" : "MessageHeader.destination.endpoint",
        "path" : "MessageHeader.destination.endpoint",
        "definition" : "Endereço ou id do destino da mensagem."
        "id" : "MessageHeader.destination.receiver",
        "path" : "MessageHeader.destination.receiver",
        "definition" : "Entidade que vai receber os dados.",
        "type" : [
            "code" : "Reference",
            "targetProfile" : [
        "id" : "MessageHeader.sender",
        "path" : "MessageHeader.sender",
        "definition" : "Entidade que envia os dados.",
        "type" : [
            "code" : "Reference",
            "targetProfile" : [
        "id" : "MessageHeader.enterer",
        "path" : "MessageHeader.enterer",
        "definition" : "Profissional que registou os dados.",
        "max" : "0"
        "id" : "MessageHeader.author",
        "path" : "MessageHeader.author",
        "max" : "0"
        "id" : "MessageHeader.source.id",
        "path" : "MessageHeader.source.id",
        "max" : "0"
        "id" : "MessageHeader.source.name",
        "path" : "MessageHeader.source.name",
        "definition" : "Nome da aplicação origem dos dados."
        "id" : "MessageHeader.source.software",
        "path" : "MessageHeader.source.software",
        "max" : "0"
        "id" : "MessageHeader.source.version",
        "path" : "MessageHeader.source.version",
        "max" : "0"
        "id" : "MessageHeader.source.contact",
        "path" : "MessageHeader.source.contact",
        "max" : "0"
        "id" : "MessageHeader.source.endpoint",
        "path" : "MessageHeader.source.endpoint",
        "definition" : "Endereço ou id da origem da mensagem."
        "id" : "MessageHeader.responsible",
        "path" : "MessageHeader.responsible",
        "max" : "0"
        "id" : "MessageHeader.reason",
        "path" : "MessageHeader.reason",
        "max" : "0"
        "id" : "MessageHeader.response.id",
        "path" : "MessageHeader.response.id",
        "max" : "0"
        "id" : "MessageHeader.response.identifier",
        "path" : "MessageHeader.response.identifier",
        "definition" : "id da mensagem origem enviada que deu origem à resposta."
        "id" : "MessageHeader.response.code",
        "path" : "MessageHeader.response.code",
        "definition" : "Code that identifies the type of response to the message - whether it was successful or not, and whether it should be resent or not."
        "id" : "MessageHeader.response.details",
        "path" : "MessageHeader.response.details",
        "definition" : "Detalhes do erro da mensagem. \r\nEm caso de code com valor “transient-error” ou\r\n\r\n“fatal-erro”, referenciar o recurso com os detalhes dos erros ou alertas.",
        "type" : [
            "code" : "Reference",
            "targetProfile" : [
        "id" : "MessageHeader.focus",
        "path" : "MessageHeader.focus",
        "definition" : "Referenciar o(s) recurso(s) raiz da mensagem."
        "id" : "MessageHeader.definition",
        "path" : "MessageHeader.definition",
        "max" : "0"
  "text" : {

XIG built as of ??metadata-date??. Found ??metadata-resources?? resources in ??metadata-packages?? packages.